Community Facilities

All residents of Wanaka and surrounding areas are entitled to become members of the Riverside Park community facilities for a very reasonable annual subscription for the whole family.

The facilities provide a fantastic get together place and opportunities for meeting and socialising with neighbours and other people living in the community. Kids meet other kids and lifetime friendships have been formed.

The community facilities are run by an independent incorporated society. The members of the society and the team that runs the facility are all volunteer residents of Riverside Park.

For information on becoming a member of the Riverside Park Community Facilities email

To visit the community facilities website go to


Facilities include:

  • Large heated swimming pool – perfect for cooling off on those long hot summer days
  • Shallow children’s pool – an ideal place for introducing children to water play
  • Spa pool – wonderful after skiing or to warm up on a cold winter’s night
  • Gymnasium – a great place to work out or get fit for skiing or other sports
  • Changing rooms & showers – so you can work out, shower and go to work or out for the night
  • Gas BBQs – cook lunch or dinner while the kids are in the pool!
  • Community clubroom – spacious lounge with comfy couches and kitchenette
  • Basketball hoop and half court – great for throwing a ball around with the kids


Basketball hoop